On Columbus Day Glen, Lauren and I went to Lake Placid. It was an absolutely beautiful day, we couldn't have asked for a nicer one. Our first stop was the "Cloudsplitter" gondola at Whiteface Mountain. It takes you to the top of Little Whiteface. The view from there was amazing. The pictures can't quite capture it like your eye can - but trust me, it was awesome. At the top there were picnic tables where we ate our picnic lunch. It was cold and windy at the top, so that's why we're in parkas. After that we went into Lake Placid to a bike trail that went down to the lake. It was a great ride, and not too long. Then we went and parked on Main Street and walked up and down, ducking into the cute little shops along the way. Glen especially liked the Adirondack Popcorn Factory stop we made for caramel corn. While we were looking out at Mirror Lake there was a man on what looked like a surf board standing up paddling with an kayak paddle. It was the funniest thing. It looked like he was walking on water. I have no idea how he kept his balance. It was funny to watch. On the way back to the Northway we saw where they do ski jumping and the bobsled runs, but they were already closed. It was the perfect day and the perfect way to spend it!
2 years ago